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Comments: Daughter wants dark green shingles. Can't find dye.  Can I paint hunter green after putting shingles on house? Thanks

Folks, I do this out of love of the craft and respect for builders who are doing something out of their normal skillset. Give me sentences - please! Be conversational. Write to me like we are friends who just don't know each other yet (we Are).

Yes, you can paint after shingling.  Make sure the shingles are well glued
and that the glue has plenty of time to dry completely.  Use a mix of 50/50
paint and water; and turn the house on it's back to do the front roof, and
on its front to do the back roof.  One of the issues of painting (or dying
or staining for that  matter) after shingling is that shingles do what they
are supposed to do... and that's shed rain.  No matter how I try, I always
get a dribble down the house, usually in the most inconvenient place.  It
happens because you must puddle the stain (dye, paint) over the brush in
order to flood the bottom edge of the shingle and the little spaces there,
and a puddle always turns into a drip eventually.  But if you turn the house
so the shingles shed up instead of down, then you don't have to puddle to
get the paint where you need it.  You can use less paint, which is important
if you want the wood part of wooden shingles to still be present; you get a
better product because the paint is darkest just under the shingle; and
there's less chance of a mess (although that's always a risk).

happy building

Setting up a workspace
Blog: Personalizing the inside
Blog: Dye, stain, or paint Shingles
Finish the Floors
Prepare for Electrification